Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Brooklyn 3 months old!

I can't believe how fast time is flying by! Brooklyn is 3 months old already and is growing up way too fast! She loves watching her brother and always smiles and giggles when he gives her any attention, which isn't all that often. Zaya still finds Brooklyn a little boring I think. He is a big helper and likes to give her her binkie and check on her when she is sleeping, but other than that he doesn't pay her too much attention. Although he does like to mimic her and is now blowing bubbles with his spit like she does. Not too funny. Anyway back to Brooklyn. She is giggling a lot more now and she has even laughed a little. She is ticklish but her laugh sounds more like a happy grunting noise. It basically sounds like she is saying, "stop tickling me mom...you are torturing me" It is so funny though! Anyway one of these days I will have to try and get a video of it. She also loves sucking on her fingers/fist/hands all the time now. She is drooling a ton and soaks the front of her shirts. :) She is so much fun and I just love her chubby little cheeks. I can not get enough kisses!

The nicknames that she had already acquired are: Brooky, Brooky Bopper, Darlita, and Chalky Rivers. Don't ask me why her dad calls her Chalky, or Chalky Rivers, but he does and it was so funny the other day Case was calling her that and Zaya said, "No it's not Chalky Rivers, it's Brooklyn dad." Darlita is short for Darling with a spanish twist I guess. Casey also started calling her this and now we are all calling her this including Zaya. LOL! Here are some pictures of her at 3 months old.

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