Monday, July 2, 2012

Brooklyn 11 months old!

I can't believe my little Brooklyn is 11 months old already! What's even crazier is that she will be a year old in a few weeks! CRAZY! I have no idea where this last year went! It flew by faster than any other year has! We sure love this girl and she continues to light up our life! She still only has two little teeth on the bottom. She loves to rock, and wiggle and jiggle in her cast. She loves to clap her hands and does it a lot. She is getting better at waving to people. And she is usually all smiles unless she is yelling back at Isaiah! :) She is a little bit picky, but she still does pretty well with eating. It cracks me up though because if I don't show her what I am putting in her mouth she will always take it back out and look at it before she will eat it! She always wants to know what it is she is eating! Silly girl! She loves to play peek-a-boo! And she loves dancing to music. She also loves stealing my sunglasses from off of my face when I am holding her. These aren't the best pictures of her because she was ready for a nap, but I knew if I didn't get some pictures of her, then I might forget. :) Love this sweet little ray of sunshine! 
P.S. She is still doing amazing in her cast and continues to amaze me at how resilient and patient she has been with the whole thing! She goes in for a cast change just a few days after her 1st Birthday. So we will keep you posted on all of that. 

Brooky 11 months old

1 comment:

Tom and Jen Loveland Family said...

Oh, she is too cute, Rach! And these pictures are adorable. Wow. Where has the time gone? Can't believe she is almost a year.